How to Keep Baby's Room Warm in Winter

Knowing how to keep your baby’s room warm in the winter is super important for your little one’s health.

Knowing how to keep your baby’s room warm in the winter is super important for your little one’s health. They’re much more susceptible to getting chilly, so creating a safe and cosy sleeping environment is key.

Babies don’t have the ability to regulate their temperatures until they’re around 2 years old, so it’s up to you as a parent to ensure their room is warm enough.

But that doesn’t mean bundling them up in lots of blankets and clothing. This actually increases the risk of SIDS.

So, how can you keep your baby’s room warm without putting them in danger? We’ve got the answers to help you out.

How to Keep Your Baby’s Room Warm in Winter – Safely

Making sure your baby is warm and cosy at night is just as important as making sure they're in a safe sleeping environment. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to keep your little one warm and comfortable without sacrificing the safe sleep space you've made.

Here are our top tips for a cosy but safe winter sleep environment for your new baby.

1. Use Winter Sheets & Bedding


Well-fitting winter sheets and bedding are essential for creating a safe and cosy sleep environment for your baby.

Winter-specific bedding materials provide better insulation than thinner sheets, helping to retain your baby's body heat during chilly nights. This keeps your little one snug and warm without the need for bulky blankets, which are not recommended for infants due to the risk of overheating or entanglement.

Cotton is one of the best materials to use for baby’s bedding. It is breathable and soft, so it won’t end up making your little one too hot, unlike fleecy fabrics.

All Snüz baby bedding is made from 100% soft jersey cotton, ensuring the ultimate comfort and warmth for your new baby.

2. Move the Crib Away From Windows

Placing the crib away from windows is key to avoiding drafts that can make your baby's sleeping space too cold. Draughty windows can cause sudden temperature drops, making your baby chilly and affecting their sleep quality and safety.

Positioning the crib away from windows helps maintain a stable room temperature and aligns with recommended safe sleep practices, ensuring your baby sleeps comfortably and safely through the night.

Draft excluders can also be useful for homes with wooden or hard floors, as these can often let in cold air. You should pop the draft excluder outside the door frame to prevent any cold air from getting into the room.

3. Adjust the Room Temperature


Maintaining the right room temperature is crucial for keeping your baby warm and ensuring they sleep safely. Adjusting the thermostat to keep the room between 16°C and 20°C provides a comfortable and safe sleep environment for your baby.

This recommended temperature range helps prevent your baby from becoming too cold or overheating, both of which can disrupt their sleep and potentially pose health risks.

Using a reliable room thermometer or moving your thermostat into the room, if possible, can help you monitor and maintain the ideal temperature.

4. Light Layers & Sleeping Bags

Dressing your baby in a light babygrow and then a sleeveless sleeping bag can help them stay warm and comfortable through the night.

The light baby gro provides a base layer, while the sleeveless sleeping bag offers additional warmth without the risk of overheating. The SnüzPouch Sleeping Bags are excellent options for providing warmth and comfort while allowing your baby to freely move their arms and legs.

The 2.5 tog is the best option for winter nights, while a 1.0 tog is ideal for warmer seasons. And just like our bedding, it’s made from a 100% cotton outer, so it’s soft against your little one’s skin. The polyester filling inside will keep your baby warm all night long without causing them to overheat.

5. Invest in Heavy Curtains

Thick curtains work great at keeping the heat in and the cold out through the windows. By keeping things warm, they help maintain a comfy and cosy temperature in your baby's nursery, making it a safer and more comfortable place to sleep.

As a bonus, thick curtains can also help to blackout your baby's nursery for better sleep during naptime.

Things to Avoid to Keep Your Baby Warm at Night

Of course, there are just as many things to avoid when trying to prevent your baby from getting cold at night. Here are some important things to avoid when trying to keep your baby warm during the winter.

1. Avoid Using Hot Water Bottles


Despite being comforting for us as adults, hot water bottles can be risky for your baby, potentially causing burns and overheating. Babies can't regulate their body temperature like adults, so a hot water bottle can get too hot for their sensitive skin.

Plus, if it leaks, it could be dangerous in the crib. Instead, try keeping the room warm and using proper sleepwear to keep your baby cosy.

2. Don't Let Your Baby Sleep in a Swing or Bouncer in a Warmer Room

Letting your baby sleep in a swing or bouncer isn't the safest choice because these aren't made to support their head and neck properly. There's also a risk they could move into a position where breathing becomes difficult.

Plus, the inclined angle can increase the chance of airway blockage. To keep your baby safe, it's best to use a flat, firm surface like a crib or bassinet.

If there's a room warmer than your baby's nursery in your home, it's best to move their crib into that room instead. The SnüzPod4 and SnüzBaskit have convenient removable bassinets to make this much easier, helping your baby stay warm and safe at night.

3. Don't Use Excess Blankets


Excess blankets can pose a serious risk to your baby by causing overheating and increasing the danger of suffocation. Babies can easily become entangled in layers of fabric, which can obstruct their breathing.

Also, excess warmth can lead to disrupted sleep patterns and potential health issues. To keep your baby warm and safe, opt for light layers and use a sleeping bag designed for infants.

4. Don't Use Space Heaters if Possible

Space heaters pose a potential fire hazard and can lead to rapid overheating, both of which are dangerous for infants. If accidentally touched, they can also cause burns.

Space heaters may also unevenly heat the room, creating hot spots that can make it difficult to maintain a consistent and safe temperature throughout the nursery.

However, if a space heater is your only option for making your nursery warmer, make sure you choose a fireproof model and position it as far from the baby's crib and curtains as possible.

5. Don't Use Hats or Hoods at Night

Using hats or hoods at night can cause your baby to overheat. Babies release heat through their heads to regulate body temperature, and covering the head can trap heat, increasing the risk of overheating, which can be dangerous.

Overheating is linked to a higher risk of SIDS, making it crucial to keep your baby's head uncovered while they sleep. Instead, opt for appropriate sleepwear to keep them warm.

How Do I Know if My Baby is Too Hot or Too Cold?


To check if your baby is too hot or too cold, feel their neck or stomach, which should be warm, not hot or cold. If your baby is sweating or has flushed cheeks, they may be too hot.

If their hands and feet are cold, it does not necessarily mean they are too cold; check their core temperature for accuracy. Dress them in light layers and adjust room temperature as needed.

Do I Need to Worry About Naptime Temperatures?


Ensuring your baby's naptime environment is comfortable and safe is just as crucial as nighttime. Thankfully, houses are often naturally warmer during the day because the outside temperature is slightly higher, so it's easier to keep your baby comfortable and warm during nap time.

You should still aim for a room temperature between 16°C and 20°C and dress your baby in light layers. Avoid excess bedding and hats, and monitor the room's temperature regularly to maintain these conditions.

Should I Bed Share With My Baby if It Gets Too Cold?


No, bed-sharing is not recommended, even if it gets too cold. Bedsharing increases the risk of suffocation, SIDS, and other sleep-related dangers.

Instead, focus on using proper sleepwear and maintaining a stable room temperature to keep your baby warm and safe.

Opt for a safe sleep environment by placing your baby in their own crib or bassinet. A bedside crib, like the SnüzPod, can offer a good middle ground where your baby can benefit from your body heat being close by without the risk of entrapment or suffocation.

Can My Baby Get Sick from Being Too Cold?

While being too cold doesn't directly cause illness, it can weaken your baby's immune system, making them more susceptible to catching colds or other infections.

Keeping your baby comfortably warm is essential to maintaining their overall health. Making sure their nursery -- and the house in general -- is warm enough to keep them comfortable and healthy.

Final Thoughts: Keep Your Baby Warm & Cosy During Colder Months

Keeping your baby's room warm and cosy during the colder months is key for their health and well-being. A comfy temperature helps prevent your baby from getting too cold, which can mess with their sleep and weaken their immune system, making them more likely to get sick.

Plus, a warm room keeps your baby comfortable and happy, which can lead to better sleep and overall happiness and aid in their development and emotional stability.

You can shop our baby bedding collection for cosy fitted sheets and sleep sacks to keep your little one warm at night.


A baby's bedroom should not drop below 16°C. Temperatures lower than this can make it difficult for your baby to stay warm, potentially disturbing their sleep and impacting their health. Consistently monitor the room temperature to ensure it remains within the safe range of 16°C to 20°C.

Dress your baby in light layers and use a sleeveless sleeping bag to keep them warm. Avoid excess blankets, hats, and space heaters. Ensure the room temperature is between 16°C and 20°C. Insulate windows with heavy curtains and move the crib away from drafts for a cosy sleep environment.

Yes, include gentler skincare steps to combat dry skin with a moisturiser and ensure they are wearing appropriate light layers for warmth. Maintain the same soothing bedtime activities to foster a sense of security and routine.

Yes, a baby may wake up if they are too cold. Cold discomfort can disturb their sleep, causing them to become restless or cry. Ensuring a comfortably warm sleep environment helps promote better, uninterrupted sleep for your baby.

While sleep sacks keep your baby's core warm, their arms may feel cooler as they are exposed. However, this isn't usually a problem if the room is kept at a safe temperature (16°C to 20°C) and they are dressed in light layers.

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