Minimalism With Kids: Is It Doable?
In a picture-perfect social media wonderland, it can be easy for new parents to get lost in the idea of what their bedroom, or their little one’s nursery or play space should look like.
The reality is that what’s possible for one parent is highly unattainable for another. So, we’ve decided to put together some practical advice for any new parents who love the minimal Scandi aesthetic but aren’t sure where to start.
Stylish yet practical living
Keeping up with the mountain of items you’ve accumulated as part of your baby prep over the past 9 months can be overwhelming, to say the least. It’s often an inevitability that these things might start cluttering your space.

That’s why we designed SnuzPod as a stylish piece of furniture in its own right that, given the right colour choice, will look fantastic in your bedroom while also serving as the ideal sleep space for your little one in their early days.
When it comes to achieving a stylish yet minimal aesthetic, multifunctionality and great design is the way to go. Invest in pieces that will stand the test of time through multiple uses, that can be passed down through generations whilst blending in seamlessly with a multitude of styles.
Storage Solutions
When it comes to keeping your home and your little one’s nursery space as tidy as possible, storage is everything. As a parent, you might find yourself coming to appreciate multifunctional items even more if it means extra storage space!

Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with getting excited about storage, this is parenthood after all! Anything that makes your life that little bit easier can feel like a God-send. So, save yourself some time picking up after yourself and ensure everything has a home.
Make tidying up easier with storage baskets and bins to keep your kids' things in one place. Label each container where possible, so your little ones know where to put things back when they're done with them. Maximise any space you have by using wheel out boxes for under bed storage, or hanging storage for shoes, coats, bibs or muslins on the back of a bedroom or wardrobe door.
Whether you’re storing your baby’s changing must-haves like nappies, wipes, and lotion in an easy-to-reach storage pocket, or their clothes in a two-in-one changing unit & chest of drawers - ensure everything you need to reach for regularly can be easily tidied away for a clutter-free space!
Set Boundaries
Setting boundaries can be tough as a new parent, but they're also necessary when it comes to honouring your personal time and space. Consider establishing a rule whereby your children’s things stay in their room, and if brought out in the living room to play, are always put back away in their bedrooms at the end of the day. Try and set similar boundaries for your baby's things. Whilst for newborns and very young children this can be difficult, help establish these habits early on so you don’t end up with toys strewn all over the house as they get older.
Family Clean-Up Time
Get your family in on your minimalist dream! Tidying up when you have kids can of course be its own uphill battle, but we suggest organising a designated weekly timeslot for the whole family to get involved. If boundaries slip - and trust us, they will with even the most stringent of parents - make this a regular event to keep on top of your clutter.
Keep it brief, between 25-30 mins should do, and make sure everyone has a spot in the house to cover. This way, everyone has a part of the house to take responsibility for, no matter how small. Being made aware of the effort it takes to tidy and clean, as well as how to properly care for and store items will give your kids a better sense of appreciation for their personal space and belongings.
Experiences over Objects
Being a parent is all about making memories for your children to remember and cherish and they grow up. Whilst it’s nice to indulge in toys or souvenirs every now and then, try to invest more in experiences your little ones will enjoy. This could range anywhere from taking them out to try new foods or snacks, to day trips to the countryside.
The more you reward your children with experiences, the more they will come to understand that the best things in life aren’t always tangible objects, but experiences they can share with their friends and family that will bring them closer together.
Hold onto Sentimental Items
For a lot of parents, all manner of objects can become sentimental when you have kids. Their first pair of shoes, their first drawing, their favourite toy, the clothes you brought them home in when you first met! How do you decide what to ditch when everything has a memory attached to it? This is where you have to return to those fun things we mentioned earlier - boundaries!
It’s lovely to hold onto certain sentimental items. They can make beautiful keepsakes for your little one when they grow up, not to mention you and your partner! However, consider how much you have room for.
For more precious things, you may want to display them. If not, consider where you want to store them, and if there’s even the room to do so. Remember that by holding onto too many things, you may end up regretting the clutter when moving or just simply when your kid’s things begin to take up much-needed space in your home.
Decide early on the items you’ll want to hold onto and then draw the line. Their first outfit, or one that you’re especially fond of? Sure, keep it! Any more than that, and think about why you feel the need to hold on. If it’s for potential future siblings, great! Otherwise, examine your reasoning and go from there.
Be patient
This is the big one! Allow your family time to adjust, and don't expect things to look perfect all the time, otherwise you're setting yourself up for failure. Minimalism isn't about getting rid of all your stuff, it's about deciding what's important and worth holding onto. When you have a family, this means compromise, and adapting the way you consume and care for your belongings. It's a conversation worth having and revisiting, and is a great way to teach your children the value and importance of caring for their belongings.