When to Put Baby in Their Own Room

Recognising when it’s time to put your baby in their own room is really important for both you and your little one.

Recognising when it’s time to put your baby in their own room is really important for both you and your little one. It’s a big milestone in your baby’s development, but we know it can be difficult emotionally for parents, too.

Getting the timing right ensures that your baby is safe and comfortable in their own space, while also promoting healthy sleep habits. If you leave it too long, it can become a disruptive transition, and it could make the process more difficult than it needs to be.

So, how do you know when it’s time to go from room sharing to having your baby in their own nursery? You’ll find all the answers below...

When to Put Your Baby in Their Own Room or Nursery

Experts generally recommend transitioning your baby from your room to their nursery at around 6 months of age.

However, it's essential to consider individual circumstances, as some babies may not be ready for their own room until a bit later, depending on their sleep habits and developmental progress.

It's important to be aware of the timeline recommended by infant development and safety experts, but you should also consider your baby's abilities when making the transition.

Note: We recommend consulting with your paediatrician, who can provide personalised guidance to ensure the transition is smooth and safe for your little one.


Why is it Important to Transition Your Baby to Their Own Room?

In the first 6 months of life, it’s crucial for parents to closely monitor their baby's sleep patterns. But after that, it's important for both parents and babies to have their own space for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, having your baby in the same room as you can disrupt your sleep, making you more tired and less attentive during the day.

This is especially true for new parents who are already dealing with sleepless nights. By transitioning your baby to their own room, you may be able to get more restful sleep and feel better equipped to handle daily tasks.

Additionally, as your baby grows and develops, they may become more easily stimulated by external stimuli such as lights, sounds, and movements. Having them in their own room allows them to have a quiet and calm environment for sleeping, promoting better sleep quality.

Moreover, transitioning your baby to their own room can also help establish a sense of independence and self-soothing skills.

As they learn to fall asleep on their own without relying on your presence, they’ll develop important self-regulation skills that’ll benefit them in the future.


What Happens If You Don’t Move Your Baby to a Separate Room?

If you don’t transition your baby to their own room, it can potentially lead to sleep disruptions and difficulties.

Having your baby in the same room as you for an extended period of time may cause them to become overly dependent on your presence for sleep. This can make it challenging for them to fall asleep without you or stay asleep when you’re not there.

Furthermore, as babies grow bigger and more active, having them in the same room as you can pose safety risks.

They may accidentally roll off the bed or get tangled in blankets while trying to move around. This can be especially dangerous for infants unable to support their own heads or roll over independently.

While it may seem like a good idea to have your baby close by for convenience and bonding, you will eventually need to move them to their own room for their well-being.


How to Help Your Baby Sleep in Their Own Room

Some parents find that the transition to nursery isn’t always smooth. There may be some getting used to, and adjustments to make for both you and your little one, and the process may take longer than you anticipated.

That being said, it’s not always a tricky transition, and there are some things you can do to help your baby sleep comfortably in their own room.

1. Spend Time in the Nursery Together

Spending time in the nursery with your baby before the big transition can significantly help them feel safer and more comfortable in their new sleeping environment.

By engaging in daytime activities in the nursery, such as playing with toys, reading books, or simply cuddling, you create positive associations with the space. This familiar environment, populated with comforting routines and experiences, becomes more inviting for your baby.

The more time they spend in their nursery with you, the more secure and familiar their surroundings will feel, easing the anxiety they might feel when left alone at night.

Establishing this foundation of trust and comfort can make the nighttime transition to independent sleeping much smoother, as the nursery ceases to be an unfamiliar or intimidating space.

2. Put them Down for Naps in the Nursery Before the Transition

Introducing nap times in the nursery before your baby sleeps there overnight can ease the transition. Place their bassinet in the nursery for naps to gradually familiarise them with the new sleep environment in a less intimidating way.

This allows them to get used to the nursery's ambient light, sounds, and overall feel while still feeling secure in their familiar sleep setting.

Starting with daytime naps helps your baby adjust to the changes without disrupting their overall sleep routine too much.

As they become more comfortable napping in the nursery, their confidence and familiarity with the space will grow, making the move to nighttime sleep smoother.


3. Have a Nursery Sleepover

Sleeping next to your baby's crib for the first few nights can help them adjust to their new surroundings. This temporary setup offers a comforting presence, reassuring your baby that you're nearby despite being in a different room.

Being close allows you to quickly respond to any nighttime disturbances or anxieties, helping soothe them back to sleep.

Your presence during these initial nights helps establish a sense of security in the new sleeping environment. It lets your baby get used to the new sounds, smells, and lighting of the nursery, reducing the stress of the transition.

Gradually, as they get used to their new space with you nearby, they will feel more comfortable sleeping alone.

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4. Keep Their Routine the Same

Keeping a consistent bedtime routine is crucial when transitioning your baby to their own room. Familiar routines provide security; if the routine stays the same, your baby will recognise it's time to sleep, even in a new environment.

By following the same steps – like winding down, bath time, pyjamas, feeding, and storytime – your baby gets the same signals that bedtime is near.

This continuity eases anxiety, ensuring they understand that, despite the new room, their comforting pre-sleep rituals remain unchanged.

A Typical Bedtime Routine for a 6-Month-Old

Here's a typical bedtime routine for a 6-month-old baby. We've included time stamps, but the bedtime you choose for your infant should work for your schedule.

6:30 PMWind Down Time (dim lights, quiet activities)Signal bedtime, create a calm atmosphere
7:00 PMBath Time (warm bath, gentle play)Soothing, signal bedtime, avoid overstimulation
7:20 PMPyjamas & Nappy ChangePrepare for sleep, ensure comfort & safety
7:30 PMFeedingFeel full & content before sleep
7:50 PMCuddle & Story TimeBonding, promoting a love of reading, soothing baby
8:00 PMInto the Crib (drowsy but awake)Learn to fall asleep independently
8:10 PMLights Out (dark, quiet room, white noise)Encourage sleep & create a consistent sleep environment

What to Put Baby in for Sleep: Moses Baskets to Cot Beds

When transitioning your baby to a new sleep environment, consider several types of beds, each with its own benefits and characteristics. Here are the main options...

Moses Baskets

Moses baskets are ideal for newborns and infants up to a few months old. These lightweight, portable sleeping options allow you to keep your baby close by, whether you're in the living room during the day or in your bedroom at night.

The SnüzBaskit is an elevated design of the traditional Moses basket, providing a more comfortable and ergonomic sleeping surface for your baby. It also features breathable mesh windows for improved air circulation and visibility.

It’s bigger, stronger, and lighter than typical bassinets, which makes for a more practical and versatile option for parents.

Plus, it can easily be moved from room to room, which can really help when moving them into their own nursery.


Cots, also known as cribs in some parenting circles, are a popular choice for babies from birth up to two years old. They’re sturdy and spacious, providing enough room for your baby to grow.

Cots generally come with adjustable mattress heights, allowing you to lower the mattress as your child becomes more mobile and ensuring safety.

They are more long-term than Moses baskets and can serve as your baby's primary sleeping space until they are ready to transition to a larger bed.

Read More: Why Nursery Furniture Bundles Are More Cost Effective

Cot Beds

Cot beds offer the versatility of Moses baskets and cots but are designed to grow with your child. Initially used as a cot for babies from birth, cot beds can be converted into a toddler bed as your child gets older, usually up to around five years old.

This extended usability makes cot beds a cost-effective option. Many cot beds also feature adjustable mattress heights and can accommodate guard rails when converted into a toddler bed for added safety.

The SnüzKot is one of the top choices for parents, featuring an award-winning design with the option of converting to a junior bed with the separate extension kit. Featuring 3 mattress heights, sturdy high railings, and a solid wood frame, the SnüzKot is built to last.

Shop SnuzKot Cot Beds


Final Thoughts: When to Move Your Baby into Their Own Bedroom

By the time your little one reaches 6 months old, you should start the process of moving them to their own bedroom. This not only helps them develop a sense of independence, but it also allows for better sleep for both you and your baby.

For more information about how to create a welcoming nursery and encourage healthy sleep for your new arrival, check out the rest of our Sleep Talk blog!

Read More Baby Sleep Advice


Yes, you can move your baby into their own room while still breastfeeding if you want. Keep a comfortable chair in the nursery for night feeds, and consider using a baby monitor to ensure you can quickly attend to your baby when they wake for a feeding.

However, if you'd rather not have to leave your room in the night, you can transition them to a cot in your room.

Yes, you can move your baby into their own room even if they don't sleep through the night. Use a baby monitor to ensure you're aware when they wake, and follow a consistent bedtime routine to help them adjust to their new environment.

Some babies do a lot better with consistent sleep when they're in their own room.

Yes, many babies sleep better in their own room as it can reduce disturbances from parents' movements and noises. This independent environment can help establish more consistent sleep patterns, promoting better rest for both your baby and you as parents.

Most babies start sleeping through the night between 6 and 9 months of age. However, it's important to remember that each baby is unique, and individual sleep patterns can vary.

It's perfectly fine if you don't want to move your baby into their own room. Trust your instincts and consider your family's needs. Keep your baby in your room as long as it works for both of you. Make sure you follow expert guidance on types of beds to ensure a safe sleep environment.

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